UTILITY SCAMS - Important Information

Don’t Become A Victim of Utility Scams!

We have recently heard from some of our utility customers that they are receiving phone calls from scammers claiming to represent their utility company.

Utility phone scams generally involve receiving a phone call from someone claiming to represent your utility company.  The caller typically threatens to shut off utility services unless the customer makes an immediate payment over the phone with a pre-paid debit card, gift card, or by wire transfer.  We have also heard of scams where the caller begins by telling you that you have overpaid for your utilities and are entitled to a refund, then asks for bank account or credit card information.

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim:

  • Hang Up.  If you have any doubt about whether or not the call is legitimate, hang up and call Waseca Utilities to verify your account status.
  • Report the Call.  Contact Law Enforcement or Waseca Utilities to report theft or attempted theft due to utility scams.
  • Be Wise.  NEVER give out personal data, bank account information, or debit/credit card numbers in response to an unsolicited phone call.

Waseca Utilities does not disconnect utility service without notifying you in writing by first class U.S. Mail.  We will also never call you and demand payment by phone using a pre-paid debit card, gift card, or wire transfer.  We encourage you to open any mail that you receive from Waseca Utilities and always be aware of your account status.  If you have questions, please contact us at (507)835-9718.