2021 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation

(North of Clear Lake Park)

Project Description: Sanitary sewer main lining and manhole rehabilitation in the following locations: (1) Along 8th Avenue NE between 7th Street NE and Clear Lake Drive, and (2) Along and 1/2 block east and west of 10th Street NE from 8th Avenue NE to 10th Avenue NE.   

Project Status: This project was bid on July 1st with a low bid of $314,945 received by Visu-Sewer.  They were awarded the project at the July 6th City Council meeting.  Work began the week of October 18th and was completed on October 27th.  

Project Costs & Funding: The design contract with Stantec was in the amount of $30,665 and construction costs totaled $206,770.29.  Stantec is also under contract to complete project inspection and post-construction flow monitoring for approximately $45,710.  This project will be 100% funded by the City and will not be assessed to adjacent properties.