Stormwater Management

(MS4 General Permit)
stormwater outlet

Stormwater Management is defined as the control, and/or use, of stormwater or melted snow runoff.  Because Minnesota is a temperate and relatively wet climate, the control of stormwater is the primary concern.  Quantity and quality are the two main aspects of stormwater runoff control.  Controlling the quanity of stormwater runoff is important when we have too much.  In an effort to protect people and properties from floods, engineers design and construct stormwater related infrastructure such as dams, levees, basins, channels, and pipes.  The other aspect, quality, is also very important.  As it travels along surfaces, stormwater runoff collects and transports pollutants such as sediment, trash, animal waste, oil, gas, salt, herbicides, pesticides, etc.  These pollutants eventually enter our lakes, streams, and groundwater and can do harm to the plants, animals, and people who rely on those waters.  Primarily due to those water quality concerns, in 1990 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) began regulating stormwater runoff through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) MS4 permit that is administered by the state.  

MS4 stands for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System and is a stormwater conveyance system that includes infrastructure such as city streets, curbs, gutters, catch basins, storm drains, storm sewer pipe, ditches, channels, etc.  Because we have a population greater than 5,000 and our stormwater system discharges into both Loon Lake and Clear Lake, the City of Waseca has been issued an MS4 general permit by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA).  This permit outlines certain criteria and requirements designed to reduce the amount of sediment and other pollutants entering state waters from our stormwater system.  These requirements include developing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program (SWPPP), adopting best practices, mapping and inspecting our stormwater system, and public outreach/education.  The 2020 MS4 General Permit was issued on November 16, 2020, and will remain in effect for at least 5 years.  To view a copy of the City's corresponding SWPPP, please click here.

Development & Construction Standards
When development or construction projects occur within the City, we are required under the MS4 permit and the City Code to ensure that certain stormwater erosion control and post construction stormwater management standards are met.  To learn more about these standards, please click on the links below:   
Construction Site Stormwater Runoff (Erosion) Control
- Post-Construction Stormwater Management

Stormwater Pollution & Water Quality Issues 
To learn more about how you can reduce stormwater pollution and improve the health of our lakes, streams, and groundwater, please click on the topics listed below:
- Illicit Discharges
- Salt & Deicing Chemicals
- Pet/Animal Waste
- Grass Clippings & Yard Waste

To report a stormwater concern, or for more information about the City's stormwater programs,
please call the Stormwater Hotline at 507-835-9730.