State Hwy 13 Trail Connector

13th Ave to 15th Ave

Project Description: This project consisted of the construction of approximately 620 feet of new 10' wide bituminous trail along the east side of State Hwy 13 from 13th Ave to 15th Ave.  This new section of trail fills a gap in the City's sidewalk/trail system by connecting existing trail north of 15th Ave to existing sidewalk at 13th Ave.  The City applied for, and was awarded, a MnDOT Local Partnership Program (LPP) grant for the construction costs associated with this project.

Project Status: On March 16th a total of eight (8) bids were received with the low bid being from D&M Construction in the amount of $49,981.83.  The project was awarded at the March 21st City Council meeting.  Construction began the week of July 24th and was completed the week of September 4th.

Project Costs & Funding: Construction costs on this project totaled $43,781.83.  Of that total, an estimated $41,857.83 will be funded through the LPP grant with a total of $1,924.00 in grant ineligible items to be funded with Streets Capital.  However, because City staff completed project design and inspection, the LPP grant will also reimburse the City an additional estimated $3,348.63.